Jetzt zeigen: Samoa - Steuerstempel (1940 - 1949) - 8 Briefmarken.

[Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D] [Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D1] [Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D2] [Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D3] [Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D4] [Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D5] [Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D6] [Coat of Arms - New Zealand Revenue Stamps Overprinted "WESTERN - SAMOA.", Typ D7]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
20 D 2´6Sh´P 10,92 - 16,38 - USD  Info
21 D1 5Sh 16,38 - 21,84 - USD  Info
22 D2 10Sh 27,30 - 21,84 - USD  Info
23 D3 136 - 218 - USD  Info
24 D4 30Sh 218 - 436 - USD  Info
25 D5 273 - 327 - USD  Info
26 D6 327 - 546 - USD  Info
27 D7 436 - 655 - USD  Info
20‑27 1.447 - 2.244 - USD 


von Jahr

zu Jahr




